Administrative and Financial Services Directorate Serdar GÜDER
I was born in Eskişehir on 22.10.1978. I completed my primary and secondary education in Eskişehir, my high school education in Seyitgazi Health Vocational High School, Community Health Technician branch, and completed my undergraduate education in Atatürk University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Nursing. Between 2002-2005, he worked as a Health Officer at Sivas Gynecology and Child Care Home, between 2005-2010, as a Health Officer at Yalova State Hospital, between 2010-2016, at Sivas Numune Hospital Fiduciary Unit, between 2016-2020, as unit manager in our Hospital's fiduciary and expense accrual units, He served as the Deputy Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager of our hospital between 2020-2023, and has been serving as the Administrative and Financial Affairs Manager of our hospital since 14.12.2023. He is married and has two children.